Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How Is Resolution Achieved in Othello free essay sample

Othello is a masterpiece, a compelling tragedy that can be interpreted in many ways, by many different people. It is compelling as it breaks the racial stereotypes and focuses on gender, power, love, sexuality race and violence of the Elizabethan time, compared to modern society. Since the film’s production, many attempts to re-contextualise Othello into more accessible contemporary issues have been made. We, as the audience, are challenged to new ways of reading and interpreting the text through different critical approaches. A New historicist and a feminist reading are applied to Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy, Othello. A new historicist critical reading of Othello is primarily interested in exploring the underlying ideologies evident in the text. Hence, new historicists examine both the implicit and explicit activities to racial digression represented in Othello. Shakespeare’s contemporaries are aware of race and differences, and it can affect the way of someone’s race position. We will write a custom essay sample on How Is Resolution Achieved in Othello? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Othello partly understands himself as someone who is needed and necessary to Venetian, that the state needs him. In some ways, the image of himself is more important to him than anything to do with his relationship with Desdemona. He is unaware and unselfconscious of the fact that he is black, an outsider and has an alien origin. He was always effortlessly in charge. He had such power and authority that he never had to think twice about the image of himself. However, In Act 1 Scene 1 of the play, Othello’s simple virtues stand no chance against Iago’s master of deception. The play opens with Iago proclaiming his hatred for Othello. Iago has been passed up for a promotion, which went to a less experienced man. Othello, whom is Iago’s master, has made this decision, which Iago obviously does not agree with. His hatred may have started on a professional level, but in part due to Othello’s heritage, Iago’s contempt quickly deteriorates to racism. This brings about a reoccurring paradox in Othello. While an extremely powerful man in a political context, his race makes him inferior in a white man’s society. Iago is able to trick his master and manipulate him on a consistent basis. As Iago and Brabantio’s conversation develops, it becomes clear they both despise Othello, and will do anything to bring him down. Racist comments are made to Othello, bringing it to his attention that he is actually different. At this stage, he becomes aware of this, and loses any self confidence he has. â€Å"Your son-in-law is far more fair than black† â€Å"When devils will the blackest sins put on†. As the play continues and eventually comes to an end, Othello grows less in control of himself, and is very vulnerable. He doubts himself, and is continuously contradicted by Iago to bring down his reputation. He starts believing his loyal wife Desdemona is having an affair on him, because he is black, and puts himself down because of this. â€Å"Haply for I am black, and have not those soft parts of conversation that chambers have. † It follows therefore, how a new historicist critical interpretation of Othello can be useful in exposing some of the attitudes, values and beliefs of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan audience. Racism is an issue in Othello, a story of black versus white, and deals with the idea of a black hero and a white nemesis. Whilst a new historicist critical reading can be interpreted, the play also implies a feminist critical reading interpretation. A feminist reading is essentially focused upon how gender assumptions, particularly those associated with women, operate in the reading of a text, and how the text sustains and challenges patriarchal structures and the submissive roles of women. Othello serves as an example to demonstrate the imbalance of power compared with men, the beliefs associated with women’s roles and also the men’s perspective. There are only three women in ‘Othello’: Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca. The way that these women behave and conduct themselves is undeniably linked to the ideological expectations of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan society and to the patriarchal Venetian society that he creates. Women in Othello are presented in the play as women as possessions, women as submissive, and women as ‘whores’ Following his hearing of Brabantio’s complaint and Othello’s defence, the Duke eventually grants permission for Desdemona to accompany Othello to Cyprus. Othello speaks to his ensign Iago, ironically describing him as a man of ‘honesty and trust’, informing the Duke that ‘To his conveyance I assign my wife’ Desdemona, as Othello’s wife, is treated as his possession: he implies that she is a commodity to be guarded and transported. Othello’s fear of Desdemona’s sexuality erupts into slanderous abuse on a number of occasions. He refers to her as ‘whore’, a ‘subtle whore’ and a ‘cunning whore’, in addition to multiple references to her as a ‘strumpet’. Bianca is described by Iago as a ‘housewife’ and ‘strumpet’ although there is no evidence to suggest that she actually is a prostitute. This is not to say, however, that the women of the play fail to question men at all. As Emilia talks to Desdemona at the end of Act IV, Emilia is fairly damming in her opinion of men. In a speech, Emilia argues that women are physically no different to men. ‘Let husbands know, their wives have sense like them; they see and smell,aAnd have their palates both for sweet and sour as husbands have’ In conclusion, it is therefore evident that resolution is achieved at the end of the play Othello, through different ways of reading the text. It is apparent that both a Feminist and a New Historicist reading can be adopted.

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