Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ancient Persian Society Sample Answers Essay - 5585 Words

Society Kings Reigns Cyrus: 560-530 BC Darius: 522-486 BC Xerxes: 486-465 BC Artaxerxes: 465-425 BC What was Susa? Susa was originally the capital of Elam, located in a fertile agricultural area. Darius I is credited with transforming the city into the administrative capital for the Persian kings. It was accessible to Babylon, Ecbatana and the eastern parts of the empire. Identify three Royal Palaces in this period Susa, Pasargadae and Persepolis Who or what was Bel Marduk? Bel Marduk was the principal Babylonian God at the time of the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Great. Bel Marduk is honored in Babylon for bringing order to the cosmos, creating humankind and defending all other Gods against a usurper. What is meant†¦show more content†¦As part of a feudal system, males workers were liable to recruitment into the kings army as foot soldiers or the king’s navy as rowers. They provided wealth and income for the king and the empire. What was tribute? The administrative costs of the empire were met by tribute. Most tribute sent to the treasuries of Persia was in the form of manufactured goods and metals, especially silver and gold dust. It could also be given in the form of produce, where the amount for each satrapy was worked out on the basis of the cultivated land and its crop capacity each year. Tribute was collected by satraps and provided as gifts to the great king. Who or what was Pasargadae? Pasargadae is the building site of Cyrus the Great where he created an expansive garden complex. It suggests that an emerging significant feature of successful kingship was the ability to harness the resources of the empire for impressive building achievements. The two main building structures at this site are the Palace and the Apadana. Pasargadae also contains the Tomb of Cyrus. Name THREE occupations in Persian society during this period Stonemasons, Artisans, Miners Name two activities of Persian kings Commencing and completing grand building projects, Accompanying troops on campaigns to expand the empire Describe the organisation of Royal Treasuries Royal treasuries were important for finance and storage of wealth. They were grandShow MoreRelatedThe Roman Empire: What Went Wrong?1253 Words   |  6 Pagesfounded as a small farming town in 753 BC. It grew to a vast empire that enveloped the whole Mediterranean Sea. It spanned from the western shores of what is now Portugal, to as far as the modern day Persian Gulf to the east. It remained as the world’s largest and most powerful empire in the ancient world for about 1100 years. But by 476 AD, the stress of war and the multiple sackings of Rome proved too much for the once mighty empire. There have been many theories and debates by scholars and historiansRead MoreThe Marijuana Growers Guide9909 Words   |  40 As far as we are aware, it s the only place online to find it, please distribute this file freely. - Mellow Gold Staff CONTENTS Foreword Preface History and Taxonomy of Cannabis [1] Cannabis and Ancient History [1.2] Cannabis and American History [1.3] Cannabis and: Species or Varieties [1.4] Cannabinoids : The Active Ingredients of Marijuana [2] Cannabinoids andRead MoreMass Media in General and Newspapers12440 Words   |  50 Pageswhich are informative headlines, stimulating headlines and the combination of informative and stimulating headlines. * Informative headlines: This type of headlines is to describe the main content of the articles. It summarizes the whole articles, answers simply one of the basic questions such as who, what, where, when, how and why. * Stimulating headlines: This type of headlines only contains some factors related to the main content of articles. Their main goals are to make readers curious andRead MoreEmperor of all maladies Essay8098 Words   |  33 Pagestraining their wits against an infinitely resourceful adversary that, just three decades ago, was thought to be easily vanquished in an all-out â€Å"war against cancer.† The book reads like a literary thriller with cancer as the protagonist. From the Persian Queen Atossa, whose Greek slave may have cut off her diseased breast, to the nineteenth-century recipients of primitive radiation and chemotherapy to Mukherjee’s own leukemia patient, Carla, The Emperor of All Maladies is about the people who haveRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesAssessment 226 Scoring Key 226 Comparison Data 226 SKILL PRACTICE Applying Conceptual Blockbusting 227 Observer’s Feedback Form 227 Answer to Matchstick Problem in Figure 3.4 229 Answer to Shakespeare Riddle in Figure 3.5 229 Some Common Themes Applying to Water and Finance 229 Answer to Name That Ship Problem in Figure 3.6 230 Answer to Nine-Dot Problem in Figure 3.7 230 Answer to Embedded Pattern Problem in Figure 3.8 231 PART II 4 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS BY COMMUNICATING

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